Organisational Development

Identifying what’s broken and needs to be either fixed or discarded is a given.  Perhaps more importantly, we’ll pinpoint what’s working well so that you can do more of it in future and transfer key learning to new actions.  The most successful organisations at achieving even more than they set out to achieve are those that invest in developing their systems, processes, people and culture.

I support you to rise above the day-to-day

Are you ready to start
thinking beyond next week?



I love supporting leaders and teams to step away from the commotion of the dancefloor and take a balcony view of their organisation.  From the balcony seats, you’ll clearly see where you are now and where you need to be.  I deliver participatory strategic planning processes that involve your Board, staff and key stakeholders in developing a shared vision for the future and achievable, measurable and courageous steps to get there.

We’ll get everyone talking about why your organisation exists and why you’d be missed if you were to shut up shop tomorrow.  Let’s re-frame the process of determining organisational strategy so that it becomes a creative activity to drive sustainability and impact, rather than simply a corporate tick box exercise.


This program invites leaders to think deeply about organisational culture and the role that they and others play in shaping it.  I’ll also train your leaders to facilitate honest conversations with their teams about the importance of a values-centred organisational culture and the behaviours they’ll demonstrate daily to keep this culture alive.

The Culture Conversations program is centred around your organisation’s values and takes proactive steps to ensure that they are demonstrated by everyone within the organisation, irrespective of their role or location, every day.


This leadership development program equips people leaders will the skills they need to more readily provide feedback to – and encourage feedback from – their staff.  It supports them to proactively manage staff and team accountability “in the moment” rather than avoiding important conversations about performance until it’s too late.

In addition to providing practical tools, the Accountability Conversations program offers a range of opportunities for participants to reflect together on what they have learned from past experiences and to immediately apply new learning into their daily work and leadership styles.  Working in partnership with your People & Culture team, I tailor this program to be integrate your existing performance management policies and approaches.

Client Stories

Lyrian Fleming-Parsley

Head of Fundraising & Communications
Cancer Council

Josef assisted us with strategic planning and it was a fabulous process. He gently coached us into taking a more participatory approach than we had planned and we’re really pleased we took this approach. We have a robust strategy that 12 months on is really guiding our work and is still relevant. Josef provides that extra guidance and clarity that we couldn’t have come up with ourselves and you know that with him, every minute of the process is going to be well used.

Organisational Development

Sharon Read

Director Change & Transformation
Western Health

I have worked with Josef for over 8 years. We’ve worked on leadership capacity, developing values-based culture and organisational reviews. Josef’s strengths are that he is incredibly humble, smart, he’s a great listener and he is an excellent facilitator. What particularly stands out is that he is a great co-designer: he listens and develops best practice approaches as a result.

Organisational Development
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