I’m a passionate advocate for the benefits of coaching; that’s why I love training leaders to integrate a coach approach in their work.

It’s hard to underestimate the transformation that occurs when whole leadership teams and organisations invest in a coaching approach to bringing out the best in their people. That’s why I offer an accredited coach training program to equip leaders with the skills you need to coach your staff. It’s designed by Corporate Coach U, the leading global provider of coach training and I tailor it to fit your organisational context.

Are your leaders ready to make space for OTHERS to shine?


By learning to ask better questions of their people and really listening to the responses – rather than jumping in to fix things – coach training participants move from a telling approach to one which engages, motivates and builds the confidence of individuals and teams to really own and thrive in their roles.  

Coach training creates sustainable shifts in leadership behaviour.  Whilst other training events often end when participants leave the training room, the 3-phase approach of my Coaching Conversations program supports the transfer of learning to consistent application of skills on the job.



Phase 1: Coaching Clinic®
The Coaching Clinic® is a 16-hour course delivered over 4 half-day workshops and designed by Coach U, the leading global provider of coach training, and adapted by me to the context of your organisation.  It offers leaders the opportunity to both learn and experience coaching skills and competencies.  Learned skills can be immediately applied when participants return to their work with their teams, peers and other stakeholders.


Phase 2: Coaching Circles
Three two-hour group coaching sessions held via Zoom for you to share the successes and challenges you’ve experienced whilst coaching others.  You’ll deepen your learning from the Coaching Clinic in these sessions, as well as practising your coaching skills in the safe and nurturing space that we’ll co-create.  There are typically six participants in each of these sessions so that everyone can take a turn at coaching , being coached and observing to provide feedback.


Phase 3: Executive Coaching
A series of two one-hour individual coaching sessions, held monthly over two months, enables coaching to be modeled by a fully qualified and experienced executive coach, accredited with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).  This critical component of the Coaching Conversations program enables deeper connection with the skills learned in the first two phases and increased awareness of participants’ unique leadership preferences, talents and areas for growth.  

Client Stories

Adenike Odion

Compliance & Development Officer
Western Health

Attending the coaching conversations program was a paradigm shift for me. I learned that I could achieve better goals by creating a psychologically safe environment for staff to take ownership and to solve problems rather than than me giving the answers all the time. My staff showed more independence and creative thinking and I began to think of more innovative ways of engaging them.

Coach Training

Michael Perusco

Berry Street

Josef did a great job at delivering the Coaching Conversations program. I really enjoyed the four training workshops and got a lot out of them. It has really made me reflect on the way I engage with my team and I am already seeing positive results. I think it will have a powerful impact across the organisation.

Coach Training

Gordon Conochie

Executive Manager

I really enjoyed the coaching conversations program. The enjoyment of the sessions obviously has much to do with the facilitator and it was impressive that Josef managed to set the same tone via Zoom that he does for workshops in person. I can't think of a training program lasting multiple sessions that I enjoyed more, and there were things that will definitely stay with me. I will forever try to remain curious!

Coach Training